I found this decision incredibly short sighted. Historical fiction always sells well - why is Jean Plaidy being reprinted? Why are Alison Weir and Philippa Gregory plastered all over Waterstones? No need to answer that one - because their publishers pay for this space that is why. There is very little publicity for the latest Morland novel as each is published and I think the publishers have lost sight of what a marvellous series they have in their keeping. My gut feeling is that Cynthia Harrod-Eagles has been with them a long time, she is reliable, she gives them a Morland book a year so they take her for granted and perhaps don't think she is 'sexy' enough.
I could not understand why they did not do a push on these titles by rebranding, them, new covers etc. A good marketing exercise would have boosted sales in no times. The odd thing is that her publisher a little while later asked her to do another historical series for them which all sounds a tad confusing, the Ashmore books, which I admit I have tried and did not enjoy as much as her other books.
Anyway to cut a long story short, at long last the final Morland book, The Gathering Storm, has been published. I wonder if the author cut a deal with the publishers to wind it up and tie up lots of loose ends that were left hanging after the abrupt cancellation? I have read it and enjoyed it but at first found it a trifle confusing as I had to remind myself of how the last book had ended. Of course, after finishing it I did wonder what would happen next but doubt if we will ever find out.
It must be very dispiriting for an author who has been with a publisher for years, a reliable and, one hopes, valued member of their list to have this happen. Of course if you are a "sleb" and on telly then you can market your books and sell them in droves, even if they are pretty poor (I am naming no names) and as publishers are there to make money this is going to continue.
Cynthia Harrod-Eagles also writes wonderfully funny, incisive and marvellous crime novels featuring Bill Slider. I cannot recomment these highly enough and eagerly await each one as they are published. These books are with another publisher altogether and it seems they have the sense to keep her on their list. They are quite expensive and even the Kindle edition is a bit pricy but I always buy them as I love them so much.
Finally, I would like to mention that when I originally posted about this abrupt curtailment I received over 300 comments, the highest response I have ever had on Random. People were furious and rightly so.
If you like historical novels then I recommend the Morland Dynasty but if you decide to try them please read them in order. The historical research is impeccable and, as a bonus, you learn an awful lot about the times in which they are set.
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