"It's just the flux"
"The what?"
"Willie calls it the flux" said Modesty "He doesn't believe that coincidences are coincidences. He says there's a magnetic flux about the earth which causes like events to occur simultaneously or in sequence. Open the Times Literary Supplement and you find three different people have written books about Queen Victoria's third cousin twice removed who was Governor of Honduras or somewhere. All published in the same month. And nobody every heard of him before. It's the flux"
This is a paragraph from The Silver Mistress by Peter O'Donnell. This sort of thing happens to me so often it can be slightly spooky. Now here is an example of the flux.
A few weeks ago, I mentioned Slightly Foxed on my blog as I had let my subscription lapse because I just could not keep up with everything that dropped through my letterbox. A certain blogger (yes you know who you are!) persuaded me to subscribe once more, so I did. I am blithely reading the reissued Modesty Blaise books and thinking how much I would like to post about them. So, I did. I am then told that the latest edition of Slightly Foxed contains an article on Modesty. So tonight I pick up my copy which I have not had a chance to read yet,open it up and there it is. It is a perfect example of 'the flux'.
As I have mentioned Madeline Brent and Peter O'Donnell being one and the same person, I now fully expect that within the next few days somebody, somewhere, will write about this too. Keep an eye out everybody and let me know if you spot it....