OK here is yet another challenge and how can I resist it when it has such a super picture to go with it....
After Carl V presented the RIP Challenge, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I have visited his blog regularly as I simply love its content and it is so beautiful to look at, and am delighted to join in his latest idea. Here are the details below which I have cut and pasted from his blog:
It is the 2006 G.I.F.T. Challenge (Giving Inspiration, Fostering Tradition) and here is what it is all about:
"What you agree to do, if you choose to participate, is to partake of and/or post on any 4 of the following:
Christmas movies
Christmas novels/short stories
Christmas songs
Christmas poems
Christmas traditions
Christmas memories
For whichever 4 things you choose you will post about them. That is where the giving comes in. Giving of yourself for the shared edification and inspiration of others. Your favorite Christmas movie, story, song, etc. may just inspire others to try it out. At the very least we will share in your joy and enthusiasm as you give us a glimpse into who you are by sharing memories, traditions, and favorites.. “Where is the challenge?”, you may ask. The challenge comes in here: two of your 4 choices must either involve something completely new to you or something you haven’t read or watched in an inordinately long amount of time. Take some time to read a Christmas related story or watch a Christmas movie that you’ve wanted to watch for years but never got around to. Seek out a Christmas poem and share it with us. You can post on each thing individually or do one big group post or combine things…do whatever you want to complete the challenge."
Well, I have no problem with thinking of dozens of Christmas related movies, traditions etc to write about but something new, now there is a thought. This is a brilliant idea and already I am looking and researching and have one Christmas poem which I shall have to check out. This was triggered off by a comment on another blog.
So to all GIFT Challengers "God Bless us Every One"....