...Kate has gone. I am sure she is a very nice lady but, with the exception of Fiona Phillips a series ago, she has been, without doubt, the worst dancer on the programme. I know the British have a penchant for voting for the underdog, but this was getting really silly. First week of the competition she was staggering around on crutches with tendinitis and being the brave little soldier and dancing with bandaged feet, then this week she was strapped up as she fell over in rehearsal and may have cracked a rib, with the result that she literally walked through her Paso Doble. It might have been more sensible to have left the show the first week and let somebody else take her place. However, she has taken the judge's remarks bravely, kept coming back for more and was very charming when she was finally booted out and was honest enough to say 'Well, let's face it I've had a cracking good run'. Tonight she was on Strictly Come Dancing 2 and she and Anton were just incredibly funny and had obviously had a wonderful time together.
Now, will somebody next series PLEASE give Anton du Beke a decent partner, one worthy of his talent. I think the best one he has ever had was Patsy Palmer, the rest he has had celebrities with a conspicuous lack of any sort of talent whatsoever and he is such a great bloke and a superb dancer.
Am amazed that once again Kenny Logan did not make the dance off, though I have to admit that for entertainment value he is unequalled. He is quite cynically going all out for the Scottish vote and is making a mockery of the judges. As long as the public are given the power to vote we are going to have these totally barmy situations and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I can understand the judges getting frustrated at watching really good dancers kicked out while the flat footed ones stay in. On the website forums one viewer made the sensible suggestion that there should be a dance off between the two with the fewest votes form the viewers and two from the judges which seems a pretty shrewed suggestion.
The same viewer made the sensible suggestion that voting should be only on the night of the programme, not during the week which allows anyone who has the time and who is fixated on Matt from Eastenders to vote over and over again, which is simply daft. Ff the voting was only on Saturday night the results would be much fairer.
Also, the general consensus seems to be that dragging it out over two days is silly. We all know the so called 'results show' is filmed straight after the main show after Tess has nipped off and changed her dress and Bruce has combed his hair so why bother?
And here am I getting worked up over all this and posting about it which seems a tad sad, but I must admit I am addicted. And 'my favourite'?. Well, I have to admit to a certain yen for Gethin the Welsh.
There's pretty....