Every now and then one comes across a book so beguiling, so delightful and so unexpected that it takes you over and you just want to tell everyone about it and they must read it and it is wonderful and when it happens it is a great feeling, one of such excitement and joy. I felt this way with the wonderfully named The Guernsey and Literary Potato Peel Society which I read back in May and raved about. It is being published this week and I urge you all to rush out and get a copy as it is the kind of book that will be put on bookshelves next to Diary of a Provincial Lady, all the Mapp and Lucia books (which I have just discovered o bliss o rapture), it is destined to be a classic IMHO.
I am linking to my earlier post as a reminder to you all of my earlier ravings and also for another reason
Stephenie at Bloomsbury has kindly sent me three brand new hardback copies as give aways. I am thrilled to bits with this so please leave your names in the usual place and the draw will take place in about ten days time giving everyone a chance to log on.
As I said before, and I will say again, I love this book.