Well, we all know that Virago is celebrating their 30th birthday this year and I had embarked on publishing photos of the old 'green' covers, or those that I had in my possession. Somehow or other, I never got beyond five, other things seems to have intruded.
So I have put together photos I have taken of a small selection of my Green collection and using the wonderful collage facility on my laptop programme - here it is.
I know that marketing means that more modern up to date covers have to be produced for the books now published by Virago, but I do love these green ones, always a sure sign when searching in a second hand bookshop or at a sale that any spotted will be worthwhile owning even if you have never heard of the authors, which happened to me a lot. I have discovered a lot of unknown writing in this way.
Also, I do find it slightly baffling that while new designs are in place for most of the Virago titles, every now and then and 'old' one creeps through as in the reprint last year of Elizabeth von Arnim's Fraulein Schmidt and Mr Anstruther which used exactly the same cover as my old, battered edition.
Ah, well strange are the ways of publishers.....