Well back today after nearly three weeks of sloth and idleness and lying in bed until I feel like getting up and reading and writing and watching Tv and DVDs and, sadly, eating - a lot. As you may remember I joined Weightwatchers before Christmas, started going to exercise classes and promptly started putting on weight which made me so cross I stopped. Well, after seeing the scales yesterday I simply have to lose a stone or two and that is that so the time for making excuses has come to an end and today I started on my own. I have plenty of books and advice and magazines etc handy and really, what it boils down to in the end is to eat less and not stuff my face, and take a bit more exercise. OK I loathe exercise but when I am at home at the weekends I am going to have to force myself to go out walking and just get on with it. So, wish me luck.
Not posting much today as I am feeling tired after the shock of the commuting ritual which fades from the mind when one is at home. Have a brand new ipod nano to listen to but am not very happy with it. My old one, well relatively speaking, it is three years old but in Apple Land that is positively ancient, is an 8gb red one and I love it dearly but it is nearly full. I tried an original iPod last year but found it too heavy to carry around and then sent it back as it kept crackling when I was using the menus and with the earphones in this gets a bit distracting. So stayed with Red the Faithful, but was seduced to the Blue side by the new 16gb nanopod just on the market, so that arrived and after wrestling with transferring and updating iTunes and swearing mightily all the while, I managed to get it all loaded up. Lo and behold exactly the same thing is happening, crackling noises when I manipulate the menu. Imagine radio static in your ears and you will have some idea of what it is like. So back it is going and I will ask Amazon to replace it for me. I know this is not right as the Red One is so smooth and no noise at all. Mind you, I did buy this in the Apple store in Chicago so perhaps Amazon have got a dud pile, I don't know.
Ah well
So tea now and early to bed. Have started re-reading all the Donna Leon books set in Venice. Why? I have a to be read pile three feet high...