When chatting to neighbours about our communal gardens I said there were no rules or regulations regarding same but I drew the line at Gnomes. I will admit to finding them rather endearing but they do tend to populate and take over if you allow just one to take up residence.
So it was with some shock I awoke from my afternoon nap yesterday (oh I do love my zzzz after lunch), glanced out of my window to check that my plants which I had put in that morning were growing (yes I know) and SHOCK HORROR there in the middle of my rose bed was a GNOME. I immediately knew who was guilty, step forward my neighbours Alison and Gary, and I nipped out and picked Norman up, for that is now his name, and reached inside their kitchen window and popped him on the work surface.
About ten minutes later I heard a stealthy sound and when I opened my front door there he was looking at me rather sadly and wanting to get in. Well, I wasn't having any of that and put him back on the window sill next door where was faced with the suspicious and unwelcoming gaze of Fraggle the cat. OK back to my window, Oh Please let me in.
I am made of sterner stuff however, and out he went to spend the night with Derek and Doris. I thought he looked happy in their company though I will admit to a pang when I checked he was alright with them before I went to bed and noticed they were ignoring him.
When I woke this morning I peered through my curtains. He was GONE. I opened my bedroom curtains and looked all round, no sign. I checked my back window, no sign.
In the end I spoke to my neighbours who had taken pity on him and brought him inside. I asked if he could visit with me for a while as I could not resist those big pleading eyes and as I speak he is sitting on the floor reading Hello magazine and wondering Who on Earth are Liz Hurley and Shane Warne?