Back from London and alert and fresh this morning after a good night's sleep in my own bed, bliss, I awake to see sun shining and blue skies and all well. I am meeting a friend for coffee this morning but before I get dressed and sorted and dry the hair and slap on some slap, I simply have to tell you about a marvellous new online book magazine Shiny New Books.
Four well known and brill bloggers (Litlove, Harriet Devine, Gaskella, Stuck in a Book) have all got together to produce a brand new website Shiny New Books. It is the kind of website, magazine, booky thingy that is just precisely what I have been looking for. Bloggers whose opinions I respect and whose writing I admire and who I read regularly if only to show up how many subtleties and meanings I have missed in my reviews. To learn and to laugh.
Apart from anything else, this site is a model of what a website should be. Clear colours, a model of clarity and simplicity to navigate and packed with goodies. Please do check it out and sign up for the newsletter. I have already done so.
Seems over 6,000 hits on its first day 'live' which was yesterday.
Congratulations to the Fab Four and long may ye reign.