I am glad to see the back of this year. It has not been a particularly wonderful one from my point of view. I have no intention of discussing the political situation either which has also added to the general feeling of depression that a lot of us are feeling.
I have been suffering from problems with my right hip for some time and over the last eighteen months it got worse and in 2023 restricted my movements and my life considerably. On checking my diary I see I cancelled three concerts in London, two holidays and other invitations as I was just not sure I could deal with it all.
A visit to my GP who referred me to a consultant and then told me merrily "Oh you will have a wait of at least two years" put the tin hat on it. I decided to raid my bank account and savings and arrange for a private operation. I am still angry at this. I have paid into the NHS my entire life, not used it very often for which I am grateful, but when I really needed care, it failed me. I was lucky to have the money to pay but it has left a gaping hole in my savings and if I need another such operation in the next few years, then it will all go.
I, therefore, made the decision that I would budget carefully and take out private medical insurance. I never thought I would have to do it but now that i have made the decision and sorted it out, I feel peace of mind. It means I do not have to rely on the NHS again which, hopefully, means that one more person can get care. At least, I hope so.
So I am starting 2024 off in a feeling, not of optimism, but a determination that it will be better. I have a cruise booked in July for a week exploring the Norwegian fjords which I have always wanted to do. I had to cancel a cruise I had planned this year but the company said I could use my deposit against another cruise and this is what I have done.
I also hope to be attending Queen's tennis again, another event I had to cancel in 2023, and I have a few other places lined up I wish to revisit. I am not going to overdo it but see how I get on.
My reading has been of the relaxing variety throughout the year. I am pretty sure that if the judges of the Booker Prize checked my reading list their literary noses would be turned up but I have reached the stage in my reading life when I do not care about keeping up with the trends or the latest Rushdie, Smith, Amis etc etc. When I first started Random Jottings I made a huge effort to keep up with the latest in modern literature and novels and, though I read some excellent stuff, it never warmed the heart. While admiring authors such as Margaret Atwood, who I think is a superb writer, I never feel that I wish to re-read any of such writing. It leaves me cold though intellectually I can sit back in appreciation.
So this year has been murder, romance, Golden Age crime, D E Stevenson, Miss Read, Molly Clavering, P G Wodehouse and my beloved Victorian writers. I recently re-read North and South by Mrs Gaskell and had forgotten how much I liked it. Over Christmas I picked up Persuasion which is my favourite Jane Austen and I am looking at my shelves and contemplating Trollope again. I shall continue with the odd post on From my Shelves which I did in 2023 as there are so many books there I have loved and reviewed and I think it is a good idea to revisit them.
My Book of the Year will be up tomorrow but in the meantime thank you all once again for sticking with me through 2023 when my posts have not been as numerous as before, and your kind comments and remarks. They have meant a great deal to me and will continue to do so.
Here is to 2024!