I am back from the fjords and sitting here looking at the usual British grey skies and rain. I am sure that when we look back at our childhood we view it with nostalgia and, perhaps, false memories, but honestly I can remember so many sunshine days on the beach or in the country and all we have now is endless dreariness. So dispiriting. No wonder the beaches are heaving with humanity when the sun does deign to shine. We need to grab it when we can.
Well I must not complain as I have had the most wonderful week cruising down the Norwegian fjords. I went on a Solo trip and freely admit that I was very nervous about it all but in the end I need not have worried. I have travelled with this company before (albeit on the company that they took over after it went into administration) and, as with my trip to Australia, the ship, the service, the crew and everyone on board were friendly and helpful. Ambassador Cruises look after the solo travellers and arrange meetings etc for them so everyone has a chance to make friends. I was on a table of ten in the dining room and after a couple of nights of getting to know each other were firm friends by the end of the voyage with lots of laughter and fun.
Oh the scenery. My goodness me. Almost impossible to find words to describe the breathtaking beauty of the fjords. Sailing along with towering mountains on either side, cascading waterfalls and the colour and beauty of the lakes and oceans.
Every day when I awoke to this beauty I remembered the psalm which says “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help”. It takes a lot to render me speechless, as many can testify, but the glory of the fjords managed it.
One of the trips out was to visit a glacier which, I gather, is in danger of vanishing completely within the next few years as it is slowly melting. A coach drive and then we all got in ‘troll cars’ which were more or less golf carts and were whisked up hill round and round a winding road. I was slightly worried when I noticed that our driver was using one hand on the wheel and was lying back in his seat displaying a laid back insouciance but he had obviously done this hundreds of times before so no worries.
We then arrived as far as we could go and another walk of half a mile uphill was in front of us. I was a tad worried how my new hip would manage and was delighted to see that I had no problems. My knee ached a bit though….
I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I made it. Coming down was a tad more wearing on the knee cap and I was glad to find that when we got back to the main area tea, coffee and cakes were awaiting us.
One of the best days though there were many, and when I checked and noted I had done 13,000 steps and walked five miles I felt even better.
I am going to insert photos into this post – I have made a couple of collages to fit in as many as possible – and you will see just how glorious it was.
I am now contemplating another solo cruise and have in mind one that goes round the British Isles, including the Shetlands, Scilly Isles and Guernsey. As I have grown older the lure of hot sunshine and a golden beach, lovely though they are, holds less charm for me. Mountains and lakes and wild scenery are now my preferences.
Oh and as this is a book blog, I should say that I read a lot of books on my new paperwhite, all of which were light hearted and fun reads more attuned to my holiday spirit. Hardly a week for Tolstoy or Dostoevsky…..
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