Proud Mother Alert and warning of What is to Come
I shall be writing, waffling, raving and boring/interesting you over the next few weeks as I report on Helen's book, its publication date, her appearance at the Felixstowe Book Festival et al so please bear with me as I wallow in the reflected glory.
I have just finished reading WOTW and will review it more fully when I have recovered from the feeling of wonderment that has come over me at the knowledge that I have a daughter who has written this excellent book. And excellent it is. I have approached my reading of the book as a reviewer and put aside and tried to forget that the author is my daughter. I have found this easy to do surprisingly enough and so am able to take, hopefully, a fairly objective approach to it all.
As I said a full review will be up when I have gathered my thoughts and made sense of the yellow post-its which are all over its pages, marking something which caught my attention, but I just have to write about the following response from a woman fighting for equality in the Diplomatic Service, when it was posited that women were unsuited for the less salubrious aspects of consular work.
It was felt that they could not deal with 'inebriated sailors' and their physical fraility would put them at a disadvantage.
Back came a response from Alex Kilroy, who had joined the Home Service in 1925:
'I have a very definite view' she replied 'which is supported by a good many of my friends, that women have a rather special technique for managing drunken men, which they have acquired by long years of experience at home'......
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